What we do

We are importing

our products from the international famous producers, and traders from many sources, Our staffs in import sector are 15 persons qualified in procedures of import, marketing, and trained in the principles of customer service management.

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Hijazy Haylage, Alfalfa

Hijazy haylage or dried Alfalfa is considered one of the most internationally recognized fodder crops, as it offers a high nutritional value for all animals, especially dairy and beef cattle.
And due to the high local and international demand for the Hijazy haylage, we expanded our investments in growing the dried Alfalfa at our farms in Egypt and Sudan. By doing so, we guarantee providing both our local and international clients with their requested quantities.

المواصفات بال صغير بال متوسط بال كبير
مقاس البالة 35*45*80 70*120*210 90*120*210
وزن البالة 18 كجم : 20 كجم 250 كجم : 300 كجم 450 كجم : 500 كجم
نسبة الرطوبة 10% : 14% 10% : 14% 10% : 14%
نسبة البروتين 18% : 22% 18% : 22% 18% : 22%
اللون اخضر اخضر اخضر
مواصفات آخري خالي من الحشائش ومن اي اجسام غريبة خالي من الحشائش ومن اي اجسام غريبة خالي من الحشائش ومن اي اجسام غريبة